
WOW Gold US (Frostmourne – Alliance)


Unit: Per K Gold
Default Amount: 500 K Gold = 500,000 Gold

$ 0.0442

WOW Gold US (Frostmourne – Alliance)

游戏: 魔兽世界(美服)
发货速度: 10~30 Minutes
交易方式: 邮寄,拍卖,当面
付款方式: PayPal,信用卡,USDT,微信,支付宝,西联,香港转数快

How to Buy WOW Gold in US server


  1. 在当前页面,您已经进入了魔兽世界金币购买页面。
  2. Select the server and enter the character name, and then click [Add to Cart]. Default quanlity is 1 as 200,000 gold.
  3. 在购物车页面,点击“结算”进入结算页面,输入必要的联系信息,并选择一种支付方式进行支付。
  4. 支付完成后,您可以直接联系我们的客户服务,以便客户服务能更快地安排交付。

Tips in Acution House Delivery

PLS173 supports the Acution House Delivery for WOW Gold

  1. We accept the battle pets as the auction stuffs.
  2. Buyers can obtain the gold 1 hour delay after we buy the battle pets because Blizzard sets 1 hour delay.
  3. As the experience of WOW gold sales, Acution House is the safest method.

Tips in Face to Face Trade

PLS173 supports the Face to Face Trade

  1. After you get the gold by F2F trade. DON’T TRADE GOLD BACK FOR ANY REASON. PLS173 never recalls gold back.
  2. We recommended that store the gold in a guild bank if you have mass gold as storage.
  3. Don’t chat in-game when we are trading the gold. You can contact us out of the game if you have to chat. Such as Online chat, Discord, Wechat, QQ, Email…


World of Warcraft(short as WoW), is an MMORPG developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Set in the Warcraft fantasy universe, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events of the previous game in the series, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The game was announced in 2001 and was released for the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise on November 23, 2004.

World of Warcraft Links

Official site: 魔兽世界
Facebook: World of Warcraft FB
Youtube: World of Warcraft YouTube

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